CDB Planner Prints: Elf


10:18 AM

Please comment below if you are using! The more comments and downloads the more free printables I create!

Made to fit the Erin Condrens & Happy Planners
Best to print on white sticker paper. I purchase mine from [here]
"Standard White Matte OL177WX (Laser and Inkjet)"
EC Vertical Download PDF file [here]
EC Horizontal Download PDF file [here]
HP Classic Download PDF file [here]
HP Jumbo Download PDF file [here]
HP Mini Download PDF file [here]

All images used in my free printables are found in google search and then cropped to fit the size needed. I do not own any of the rights to the images used. These are intended for personal use only! You can not sell and/or redistribute them as your own as that is copyright infringement!!

Please comment below if you are using! The more comments and downloads the more free printables I create!

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  1. Such a fun spread! Thank you for sharing!

  2. Love the Elf stickers!! Thank you so much!

  3. your stickers are amazing, is there a way to resize them so i can print them and put them in my filofax which is 6.75 x 3.75

  4. Also, if i want to download the page so it fits on standard paper do i just download the HP classic download? im not sure of the different sizes and i tried to google the answers but i couldnt find the sizes written anywhere!

  5. I just found you! Wonderful downloads I am so excited to start using them
